division tie breakers:
1. Most Wins
2. Goal Differential (max of 5 goals per game) ex. If a team wins by 7 goals, they will onlyreceive 5 goals when calculating scores, 6-0 becomes 5-0 or 9-1 becomes 6-1.
3. Goals Against
4. Goals For
5. Most Shutouts
6. Penalty Shootout
- Rules of Play Rules of play shall be FIFA “Laws of the Game: except as modified by the USSF, & USYS
- All decisions concerning pairing, schedules, etc. are solely at the discretion of the tournament committee.
- Team Rosters No player may play or be rostered on more than one team.
- Substitutions Players must be present at the mid line prior to the ball going out of bounds to be eligible to enter the game. b. The referee has the authority to refuse any substitution.
- Either team can substitute on any goal kick, at the half, or after a goal has been scored.
- A team can substitute on any throw in.
- In the event of an injury, a player(s) may be substituted for the injured player(s) with the opponent receiving the same number of player substitutions at that time.
- Play In addition to the information provided above, the following provisions apply to all 9U – 10U, 7v7 small sided games based on the new modified Laws of the Game meet the Best Practices date from U.S. Soccer of August 2016 for their Player Development Initiative. a. Offsides will be called, with the Build Out line serving as the offside line.
- On-Field Coaching is not allowed.
- FIFA Pass-Back to GK rule enforced.
- Assistant Referees are provided.
- Substitutions may take place with any ball out of bounds (goal, goal kick, Corner Kick, Throw in) at the Referee's discretion.
- Build-Out Line promotes playing the ball out of the back in a less pressured setting. When the goalkeeper has the ball in hand in the run of play (from opponent) or from a goal kick, the opposing team must move behind the build out line. The retreated team can resume normal play once the ball is in play. Once the opposing team is behind the build out line, the goalkeeper can pass, throw or roll the ball into play (punting and dropkicks are not allowed). If the Goalkeeper chooses to play the ball before the opposing team retreats to the build out line all players resume normal play immediately upon release from the GK.
- Goal Kicks – restarts are started with the ball on the ground placed inside the 6 yard box.
- Division Rankings Points awarded are as follows: Win=3, Tie=1, Loss=0
- Division Tie Breakers: SEE ABOVE
- Forfeits
- A maximum of 5 minutes will be given to have the appropriate number of players to start the game. After 5 minutes, the team not able to start the game will receive a forfeit for the game and the score shall be recorded as 4-0.
- If a game is forfeited after play has begun, the actual score will only apply to the advantage of the team winning by forfeit.
- Minimum number of players to start a game:
i. 7v7 – 4 ii. 9v9 – 5 iii. 11v11 – 7
- Ejections Any player, coach, assistant coach, manager, etc. that is ejected (Red Card) will be suspended for the remainder of that game and the following game.
- Any player, coach, assistant coach, manager, etc. that receives a second suspension will sit out for the remainder of the tournament.
- Any player or coach that does not fulfill their red card suspension in the tournament, must sit out the appropriate number of games beginning with their next league game.
- Cautions and ejections will be reported to the corresponding league.
- Score Keeping Both teams are responsible for signing score cards by the referee.
- Awards Teams will receive awards for the championship teams and the runner up.
- Home Teams In the case of conflicting uniform colors, the home team shall change their uniform to the referee’s approval.
- All games shall start with the home team choosing goal to attack and the visiting team receiving kick-off. All championship games will be started with a coin flip with choice of side going to the winner of the coin flip.
- Inclement Weather Policy
- The tournament will follow US Soccer’s position statement that indicates when lightening is seen, the tournament will count the time until thunder is heard. If this time is thirty (30) seconds or less, seek shelter. Wait thirty (30) minutes or more after hearing the last thunder before resuming activities.
- Regardless of weather conditions coaches and their teams must appear on the field of play, ready to play. Only referees and/or tournament committee may cancel or postpone a game.
- In the event of severe weather, the tournament committee has the authority to change the duration of the games or any other function of the tournament.
- Should a game’s progress be terminated due to weather conditions after 20 minutes of play, the game will be considered official and the score at that time will stand.
- Due to circumstances or conditions beyond control, the tournament committee will not be responsible for any refunds.
- Elimination of Heading Policy All players age 10 and younger, regardless of what age group they play in, may not head the ball.
- All players in the U11 age group or younger may not head the ball.
- A header by these players shall result in an indirect free kick awarded to the opponent at the spot of the infraction. If the header occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick shall be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred.
- Unmanned Aircraft System (Drones)
- The use of non-approved unmanned aircraft systems (e.g. drones) is strictly prohibited at any/all tournament games.
- The use of unmanned aircraft systems may be approved by the tournament for a specified promotional activity given that the request is submitted in writing to the tournament in advance.
- Any person in violation of this policy shall be immediately removed from the field, facility and/or event.
- Spectators Coaches are responsible for the spectators that accompany his or her team.
- Spectators will occupy the side of the field opposite of the side in which the teams are located.
- No artificial noisemakers of any kind are permitted. The Tournament Director has the final decision in case of any discrepancies.
- If it becomes evident that the spectator(s) become unruly and cannot be controlled, the field sidelines will be cleared of all spectators. If spectators refuse to leave the field of play, the game will be suspended and perhaps forfeited upon an investigation by the Tournament Director.
- If a game must be replayed because of a spectator’s behavior, no spectators will be permitted at the game site of the replayed game.
- A coach and/or team may be assessed a fine as a result of unacceptable spectator behavior or referee abuse.
- The Tournament Director reserves the right to remove any spectator from the fields or facility whose behavior is deemed inappropriate and/or whose presence imposes a threat to any participant of the tournament.
- Spirit of the Game
- If the Tournament Director determines that a particular action by a team or any of its members or spectators is deemed unacceptable for any reason, the team may be disqualified, sanctioned, and/or face forfeiture of one or more games.
- In the event that any team is suspected of forfeiting a game with the design or purpose of controlling the advancement of any team from its own bracket or any other bracket, the Tournament Director may require such an advancing team to play another qualifying game against the next highest ranking team that would otherwise be eligible to advance
- General
a. There is no alcohol, tobacco, pets or firearms of any type allowed on the tournament grounds. This includes all playing fields, and all venues. Where applicable, local rules and regulations apply (including local school rules). Lost and stolen items are the sole responsibility of the individual and the tournament will not be liable.
- Notice of Amendments
a. The tournament rules are subject to change with or without notice.